London, 2020
During this interview, I change seat, place myself in front of another artist and ask him the questions I wish people asked me. Today, I speak once again to French composer Jordane Tumarinson for his new compilation on the Italian label Blue Spiral Records, Uto’Pians Vol. I.
Jordane, what is new for you since the last time we spoke together?
Not as much as I would like I am afraid. My days alternate between my patients, composing and walks in the wild.
Tell us about Uto’pians Vol. I, how did the project start up?
It all started around February 2019, after L’Envol was released. I wanted to pay homage to nature that does so much for us. Associating music with nature, gathering musicians together for a project that belongs to no one and everyone; an offering to the Earth.
What about naming the project — why uto’pians?
Uto’pians is a contraction of the French word “utopiste” and “piano”. Utopian is sometimes perceived as negative, as the reveries of a dreamer, whose head is more in the clouds than on earth, but I believe that this is exactly what the world needs at the moment. We all need to dream a little more in order to create more. With everything that the world is going through, we should be able to understand what are the priorities, and the real issues.
How did you make the selection of musicians?
I went online and browsed a lot; I was looking for composers that came from all around the world, it was really about the music. I also worked on finding a balance, between men, women and the location of the musicians.
Tell us about your piece “Birth”?
“Birth” is made of several parts but has a continuous rhythm that glues everything together, it is an image for the rhythm of life; everything is always new and is born and reborn again.
Any other piece from the compilation that you would like to talk about?
I love all of them quite honestly! I find it great to see all the different atmospheres completing each other and each composer’s personality.
Will there be a follow-up to the compilation?
I certainly hope so, but the project is not mine anymore, so I could not tell. I have mapped a few guidelines for the next curators, starting 2021.
What about some updates on your solo releases?
After having illustrated the stories of my childhood with Petite histoires de mon enfance, I will release a new album entitled Nuit Blanche. The ambience is very different; it is an invitation to introspection and interior silence.
Thanks very much Jordane. Now something you know quite well… Last one for the road — one book, one album, one film — tell us about your latest cultural pearls?
One abum: Living in the present by Dario Crisman is incredibly harmonically rich, and perhaps James Blake’s — who is to me one of the best contemporary singers — Assume Form. One film: One Fly Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, true cinematic poetry!
Bouncing on Jordane’s words; One Fly Over the Cuckoo’s Nest… Read my review of Uto'pians Vol. I.