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London, 2020


During this interview, I change seat, place myself in front of another artist and ask him the questions I wish people asked me. Today, I speak to Italian composer and pianist Angela Tursi; a brief chat about her career and her latest release Journey. 


Angela, tell us a little bit about yourself.


I am an Italian musician based in London. I am a pianist and a singer, and music has always been my passion — my whole life! 


Now, what about Journey? Tell us about your latest project.


Journey was inspired by my trips around Europe. My own journey started in 2018 when I moved to London. Since that moment, thanks music, I had the chance of playing in many places around Europe. I saw different cultures, different cities and I started to compose music thinking about these moments in my life. But Journey is also a description of my personal life; each composition is a place, a picture of what I experienced.


Tell us about your influences, the ones that have shaped your musical personality for instance.


I am inspired by many different musicians such as Debussy, Satie, but also Glass. I have always been attracted by different musicians, and by different kinds of music. 


What have you learned from studying jazz? How does that influence your composing?


I think jazz has taught me what freedom in music means, and it pushes me to create music; improvisation is composition in a way.


How does the work you do as a singer influences your composition? Would you want to write a piece for choir or involving voices?


I think it influences the melodies in my compositions. And yes, I think that once I am ready, I will write music for choir.


Tell us about how you perceive the relationship between music and the other arts — especially visual arts. 


I think that there is a connection between all of the arts. For instance, my first album Blue Paintings was based on the connection between music and the colour blue. Also, in the past, I performed music in collaboration with photographers, actors, painters and dancers. I love this kinds of show because I think the audience is deeply involved in the performance. 


So, after Journey, what’s next?


Writing new music. Maybe songs about women… 


Thanks very much Angela.


Bouncing on Angelas words; read more about the relationship between music and colours in my article of the same name. Read my review of Journey.

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